As per our weekly prediction we expecting Nifty for the near term target upto 5400, but in Nifty day chart head and shoulder patter has generate, see a big support in nifty it has generated two time in 4900 this support will act as a shoulder. 4800 is a one more big support, it has explained in our weekly nifty predication before. So this support act has a head in this head and shoulder pattern. If this pattern starts to work then we can see the nifty up to 5600 soon, in the attached picture it has drawn for your reference. Let see how this pattern works in coming days.
On Friday ema has generated two wrong signals, also we didn’t give nifty day level for the day. Let see our nifty day level for todays.
Today on monday ema generated a sell signal after 10am and given a profit of near 20 points, due to nifty gap down open, market move in down trend for low points.
Market will go to down trend if 5020 spot nifty breaks and we can see the market in bear point of 5000, 4985, 4975.
Bull can take a market once spot nifty breaks 5067 and it can take market to up trend to 5080, 5100 and 5110.
Market will go to down trend if 5020 spot nifty breaks and we can see the market in bear point of 5000, 4985, 4975.
Bull can take a market once spot nifty breaks 5067 and it can take market to up trend to 5080, 5100 and 5110.